Lighting Auditing Software

Wattless Lighting auditing software is designed to help users save time, conduct accurate audits and secure more business.
Wattless lighting auditing software

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The Wattless lighting Auditing Software converts a tedious and time consuming task to an efficient business generation tool , capturing all the necessary lighting auditing information in one visit,

Using an iPad or iPhone, the Wattless lighting auditing software prompts the user to complete each parameter of the lighting audit, ensuring a thorough survey is carried out and eliminating costly site re-visits.

Photos and notes can be included for later use if necessary

The information is automatically uploaded to a desktop based dashboard where additional information can be added by the lighting auditor or by office based staff, allowing the auditor to spend more time conducting audits

The lighting solution is developed by selecting products from manufacturer’s catalogues, preloaded into the Wattless lighting auditing software

The new luminaires, controls, accessories, access requirements, labour costs, incentives and grants available are captured in the pricing.

The lighting auditing software then produces a comprehensive report including CapEx. Environmental Impact, Cash Flow analysis, Net Present Value of the savings and Cost of Waiting. See pictures above for examples.


Wattless Lighting Auditing Software, The Powerful way to win Business

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